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About Me
I have 24 years and counting of clinical experience. Included in that is teaching, consulting supervising and promoting Psychoanalytic psychotherapy & Psychoanalysis theory and practice.
Education and Experience
As most of us will find in life, it’s the twists and turns that help us find our potential and what gives us joy, as well as what gives us pain and confusion. My journey is no exception.
In 1977, I earned my bachelor’s degree in architecture from Arizona State University.
Building and design vocation trades were ever present within my family of origin. I have been inspired by the patterns, planning and the aesthetics of our built environment along with the human need for ceremony, respect for our environment and personal creative expression.
My architectural thesis was a community-based development with the utilization of renewable resources. One of my favorite books in architecture called “A Pattern Language” confirmed for me that design needs to be directly inspired by culture, and additionally needs to respect the traditions of the communities in which a design is being created.
Midway through my life, I switched up my career. In 1992, I got my Masters in Counseling Psychology at St Mary’s University and became a Licensed Psychologist in 1997.
My passion has evolved throughout my life and ultimately has returned to my early curiosity about people. The change in careers was a good choice for me. I have found working with the psychological life of people to be inspiring and truly transformative.
“Remembering, experiencing and sharing is where true healing happens.”

Specialized TrainingParenthood 1981 1998-2004- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Through a local Psychoanalytic training institute sponsored by Division 39 of the APA. MICPS. Minnesota Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalytic Studies Training and education psychoanalytic informed treatment with children/ adolescents MICPS Training and education in psychoanalytic informed treatment with adults, through MICPS Education in couples work within an object relational approach - IPI International Psychotherapy Institute, contactus@theipi.org Child Psychoanalysis and the work of John Bowlby’s attachment processes Professional Study group- 1998-2017 Evolving Object Relational Studies: Study group; Through the Northwestern Psychoanalytic Society and Institute – 2004-2011 Infant Observational Studies: Ester Bick Training Program 2006-2008 Bion Collective 2006-Current Study of Wilfred Bions works and contributions Neuropsychoanalysis Training- Mark Solms MD Attachment: Wired to Connect- Training- Alan Schore Trauma: Bruce Perry MD PHD